All Coping SkillsCoping Skills by EffortCopingCall someoneMClean somethingMColorMCook a mealHDo a word-search LDo yogaHDoodleMDrink teaLDrink waterLExerciseHGo for a bike rideHGo for a driveLGo for a hikeHGo for a walkHGo shoppingMGo to a friend’s houseHHave a cup of coffeeLHold something coldLJournalingMLearn a new languageHLet yourself cryHLight a candleLListen to a podcastLListen to musicLMake a listLMake a smoothieMMake a travel bucket listLMeditateLPlay a sportHPlay a video gameMPlay an instrumentMPlay sudokuMPut a puzzle togetherLRead a bookMSingLSit in the sunLTake a bathMTake a napLText a friendMWalk the dogHWatch a new showLWatch your favorite movieLWater plantsLWrite a letter to someone else or yourselfMWrite affirmationsM上一篇猴子吃桃下一篇论NotionNext如何实现自定义AI摘要Next论NotionNext如何实现自定义AI摘要