Smart Planner — Walkthrough
00 min
The Smart Planner shows your most important tasks automatically—tasks you have to do today and tasks you plan for tomorrow. There are also views of This Week, Month Calendar, and All Tasks on the page for easy task management.

If you're anything like myself, you'll know that planning your entire week in advance is futile (which this planner avoids). The purpose of this planner is to always do the task at the top of your Today Task list since it will either be overdue or the highest priority.
The Smart Planner shows your most important tasks automaticallytasks you have to do today and tasks you plan for tomorrow. There are also views of This Week, Month Calendar, and All Tasks on the page for easy task management. If you're anything like myself, you'll know that planning your entire week in advance is futile (which this planner avoids). The purpose of this planner is to always do the task at the top of your Today Task list since it will either be overdue or the highest priority.

Views / Databases


Your tasks scheduled for today.
It also shows you any overdue tasks.


Your tasks scheduled for tomorrow—nothing more, nothing less.
Tasks you create in Tomorrow will automatically be scheduled for the next day.

This Week

Your tasks scheduled for this calendar week.


Add tasks here that you aren't ready to schedule yet.
Pressing the "+ Add a task to schedule later" button will simply create a "To-do" Block that you can type the name of your task into. Once you're ready to schedule, you can drop these To-do Blocks directly into your Month Calendar and the date will be assigned to that task.

Month Calendar

This is a month overview of your schedule.
You can drag and drop tasks from date to date in the calendar, allowing for easy scheduling

All Tasks

All of your tasks in one place.
By default, the View is set to "Open Tasks", meaning tasks that have not been completed.
To view tasks that have already been completed, change the View to "Archive."


  • To test how this planner works, I recommend scrolling to All Tasks at the bottom of the template, adding some tasks of your own, and changing their Due Date. To test where the tasks will show up and to see the "Overdue" status, try changing the Due Date between:
    • Today's date (the task will show in Today)
    • Tomorrow's date (the task will show in Tomorrow)
    • Yesterday's date (this will give the task an "overdue" status)
    • A day later in the week (the task will show in This Week)
  • If a task is overdue but you won't be doing it today, you can drag the task directly into Tomorrow or reschedule it in This Month or All Tasks
  • This Week runs Sunday → Saturday by default. You can change this to Monday → Sunday by going to "Settings & Members" in the sidebar → "Language & region" → "Start week on Monday"
    • Navigating to "Start week on Monday" in the Notion settings.
      Navigating to "Start week on Monday" in the Notion settings.
  • Change or add your own Tags in All Tasks to help keep your tasks organized
  • In the Priority column, "P1" is the highest priority, followed by "P2", then "P3"
  • You can mark a task "complete" by checking the box right in the Today / Tomorrow / This Week lists
  • An "🔴 Overdue 🔴" status will be assigned to any task that has both of these qualities:
    • It is not marked completed
    • The Due Date is before today's date
    • So if you mark the task complete or the task's Due Datehas not yet passed, it is not overdue.
  • All of the views are sorted first by Due Date and then by Priority. If you would like to sort by Priority instead, rearrange the Sort options like this:
    • Rearranging the Sort options for the All Tasks view.
      Rearranging the Sort options for the All Tasks view.
      Note: Each list has its own independent Sort, so you will need to change them individually. You can also create an entirely new View just for changing between Date sorting and Priority sorting.
  • Add one or all of the Views (Today, Tomorrow, This Week) to your own database by following these steps:
      1. Create a Linked Database for "Tasks" on your page
      1. Add a List View to this Linked Database
      1. Delete the Table View from the Linked Database
      1. Create a filter for "Due Date" is "Today"
      1. Go to the Linked Database's Properties, turn on all properties except for "Overdue?" and "This Week?"
      1. Order the properties in this order from top to bottom:
        1. Status Due Date TagsPriority Complete?
      1. (Optional) Add a filter for "Complete?" is "Unchecked" to hide tasks that have already been completed today.

      Here's a video demonstrating these steps:

      Creating a Linked Database to the Tasks database so you can add Smart Planner to your own dashboard.

